The following datasets have been linked into the Master Linkage Map and are available for research, subject to relevant approvals.

The Tasmanian Public Hospital Admitted Patient Care Data Collection

Date range: Jan 2007 – Jun 2023 (Updated bi-annually in 2nd and 4th quarter)
Data variable checklist & metadata

Contains all patient episodes where the episode of care took place within or was contracted by a Tasmanian public facility. This includes patients who had their care contracted out to private providers of relevant services. In these instances, the episode activity is recorded on both public and private provider systems.

The data also includes all activity where the patient admission category is defined as Hospital Boarder. Hospital Boarders are defined as “A person who is receiving food and/or accommodation but for whom the hospital does not accept responsibility for treatment and/or care.”

Excluded from this dataset during the 2019/20 financial year onward are those admitted episodes which originated in the Emergency Department and subsequently concluded their episode of care having not left the Emergency Department. These patients are classified as ED Only Admits and are excluded from the Admitted Patient Care Data Collection as the episode took place entirely within the Emergency Department.

It should be noted that Admitted Patient Mental Health Patient Care activity is also included in this collection.

The Tasmanian Private Hospital Admitted Patient Care Data Collection

Date range: Jul 2018 – Jun 2023 (Updated bi-annually in 2nd and 4th quarter)
Data variable checklist & metadata

Contains all patient episodes where the episode of care took place within or was contracted by a Tasmanian private facility.

The Tasmanian Emergency Department Dataset

Date range: Jan 2000 – Jun 2023 (Updated bi-annually in 2nd and 4th quarter)
Data variable checklist & metadata

Contains all patient episodes where the episode of care took place wholly within one of the four Tasmanian Emergency Departments (Royal Hobart Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, North West Regional Hospital, Mersey Hospital) which meet the following criteria:

  • Purposely designed and equipped area with designated assessment, treatment and resuscitation areas;
  • Ability to provide resuscitation, stabilisation and initial management of all emergencies;
  • Availability of medical staff in the hospital 24 hours a day;
  • Designated emergency department nursing staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a designated emergency department nursing unit manager.

Patients who were dead on arrival are in scope if an emergency department clinician certified the death of the patient. Patients who leave the emergency department after being triaged and then advised of alternative treatment options are in scope.

Included in this dataset are episodes of care from the 2019/20 financial year onward which originated in the Emergency Department and were admitted and subsequently concluded their treatment in the Emergency Department. As these episodes were completed wholly within the Emergency Department these patients are classified as ED Only Admits and are excluded from the Admitted Patient Data Collection.

RBDM Death registrations

Date range: Jan 1970 – Jun 2023 (Updated bi-annually in 2nd and 4th quarter)
Data variable checklist: Contact TDLU

The Register of Deaths includes any person who died in Tasmania; stillbirths and foetal deaths are not recorded in the Deaths Register. Where there is sign of life at birth, but the neonate subsequently dies, the birth is recorded in the Births Register and the death is recorded in the Deaths Register..

Cause of Death (Tasmania)

Date range: 2006-2019 (final); 2020 (revised); 2021 (preliminary) (Updated annually)
Data variable checklist

The dataset is a compilation of death records from each of the State and Territory Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages and from the State and Chief Coroners through the National Coronial Information System. The TDLU can link to Tasmanian registered deaths only. The dataset contains a number of attributes of an individual including the International Classification of Disease codes (currently version 10) relating to the causes of death, which are added by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The dataset contains deaths registered in Tasmania and is not dependent on the place of usual residence.

The Tasmanian Perinatal Data Collection (TPDC)

Date range: Jan 2005 – Dec 2022 (Updated annually)
Data variable checklist
Data variable metadata

Managed by Department of Health Tasmania. TPDC collects information under the Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity Act 1994 on demographic, medical and obstetric information on the mother, and information on the labour, birth and condition of the infant relating to every birth in Tasmania of at least 20 gestation weeks and/or weighing at least 400 grams at birth.

The perinatal data is available from 2005. Changes to the TPDC have occurred over time and were implemented 2013, 2015, between 2018 and 2020, and again 2022. There are two types of collection methods in Tasmania and they are:

  • Electronic system (ObstetrixTas) – This clinical system is used by all public hospitals and public contracted private maternity hospital from mid-2010;
  • Paper form – This system records information about all births that occurred at all public hospitals and public contracted private maternity hospital from 2005 to mid-2010 and at private hospitals, birth centres, or births managed by private midwifery and medical practitioners outside hospitals in Tasmania from 2005.

RBDM Birth registrations

Date range: Jan 2000 – Dec 2022 (Updated bi-annually in 2nd and 4th quarter)
Data variable checklist: Contact TDLU

Administered by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. The register includes all children born and registered in the State of Tasmania, including stillbirths, or deaths in utero occurring after 20 weeks gestation, or with a body mass of at least 400 gm at birth.

Australian Early Development Census (AEDC)

Dates: 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018, 2021 (Updated every 3 years)
Data variable checklist: Contact TDLU

The AEDC is a full population census of children’s health and development in their first year of formal full-time schooling. AEDC datasets have near-total national coverage of school entrants. Teachers complete the AEDC Checklist in the first year of formal full-time school, and are completed based on teachers’ knowledge and observations of the children in their class. Participation in AEDC is not compulsory.

Tasmanian Cancer Registry (TCR)

Date range: Jan 1982 – Dec 2021 (Updated annually)
Data variable checklist & metadata

The TCR provides population-based statistics about cancer incidence and mortality for Tasmanian residents, collecting for each cancer case information on residence, sex, date of birth, date of diagnosis, cancer topography and morphology, means of diagnosis, multiple primary sites, race, country of birth, place and cause of death, where applicable.

Tasmanian Cancer Registry Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer (NMSC)*

Date range: Jan 1978 – Dec 2018 (Updated on an ad hoc basis)
Data variable checklist

Incidence rates of NMSCs in Australia are understood to be the highest in the world. Tasmania routinely receives notifications of NMSCs in the population from reporting pathology notifiers. The Tasmanian Cancer Registry is the only registry in Australia, and one of a few in the world, that has a complete register of histologically-confirmed NMSCs covering the period 1978 to 2018. This dataset enables wide-ranging research specific to the epidemiology of NMSCs to help inform cancer control strategies. Demographic data and a minimum set of clinical data items are available for use in ethically-approved research projects.

The Tasmanian Mental Health Services Collection

Date range: Jul 2013 – Dec 2022 (Updated annually)
Data variable checklist

Comprises all episodes of mental health treatment in the public system for consumers that occurred in the following settings:

  • Specialised psychiatric acute inpatient units;
  • Other acute medical wards where the admission care type was “Mental Health Care”;
  • Specialised psychiatric extended and residential treatment units;
  • Community ambulatory comprising Child and Adolescent, Adult, and Older Persons specialised teams.

Service contacts (occasions of service) attached to the consumer’s treatment episode are available in this dataset. Mental Health outcome measure assessments attached to the consumer’s treatment episode are also available in this dataset. Treatment episode and service contact data are available from July 2013 onward. Mental Health outcome measure assessment data is available from January 2017 onward.

All data is sourced from the state-wide patient administration system iPM PAS.

Ambulance Tasmania Emergency Incidents*

Date range: Jan 2010 – Dec 2015 (Updated on an ad hoc basis)
Data variable checklist: Contact TDLU

This dataset contains Tasmanian emergency ambulance care incidents extracted from the Victorian Ambulance Clinical Information System (VACIS). The VACIS captures the electronic patient care record including information on patient symptoms, diagnoses and treatment.

Prostate Cancer Outcomes Registry - Tasmania (PCOR-TAS)*

Date range: Jan 2015 – Dec 2022 (Updated annually)
Data variable checklist

PCOR-TAS is a Clinical Quality Registry that collects information about treatments and outcomes for men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Tasmania since 2015. It captures data about diagnosis, relevant treatments, procedures, interventions, and quality of life. Patient Reported Outcome Measures are collected at 12 months after treatment, or diagnosis if the patient receives no active treatment.

Australia New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA)*

Date range: Jan 1963 – Dec 2022 (Updated anually)
Data variable checklist: Contact TDLU

Data is contributed from all adult and paediatric Renal Units in Australia and New Zealand. This encompasses all patients receiving renal replacement therapy (RRT), either dialysis or kidney transplantation, for the treatment of end stage kidney disease (ESKD). Survey data is collected nearest to the 31-December every year for the previous twelve months. Real time data is collected on all new incident patients commencing RRT, changes of RRT modality, changes in treating centre, death and other major events such as new cancer diagnoses.

*Subject to additional approval