Tasmanian Data Linkage Unit

Who we are

Director TDLU Manager Operations Manager

Tracey Dickson

Mel Trebilcock

Nadine Wiggins
Operations Manager

Academic Lead Client Services Officer Data Linkage Analyst Database Administrator

Barbara de Graaff
Academic Lead

Olivia Swann
Client Services Officer

Kushan Fonseka
Data Linkage Analyst

Louise Lin
Database Administrator

What we do

We bring together Tasmanian data collections and other approved data sources to create linked datasets that enable:

  • research
  • planning and evaluation of health, education, and related services
  • policy development
  • strategic planning

The data we link is sourced from multiple administrative and clinical datasets from various sectors including health, education, and welfare. Linked data is de-identified and allows researchers to identify patterns across the Tasmanian population while maintaining the confidentiality of individuals’ data. The TDLU undertakes both state and national data linkage projects.

What we can help with

  • Designing a study or project to utilise linked data
  • Providing advice on state and national data linkage projects and data accessibility
  • Applying for data linkage within Tasmania and within other jurisdictions
  • Geocoding data and understanding geographic classifications
  • Information sessions and workshops on data linkage

Contact us for an obligation free chat or to organise an information session for your team.

Quick links

What is data linkage?

Data linkage is a method of bringing information from different sources together about the same person or entity to create a new, richer dataset.

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Privacy and security

The TDLU is committed to the secure protection of data in support of maintaining individual privacy.

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How to apply

There are 5 key steps to applying for and receiving linked data from the TDLU.

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Datasets available in our Master Linkage Map.

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Links and documents to find out more about data linkage with the TDLU and in Australia.

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Peer reviewed publications showing the results of data linkage from completed projects.

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Frequently asked questions

Got a question? Check out our frequently asked questions or send us an email.

PhD Projects

For advice on PhD projects contact Associate Professor Barbara de Graaff.