Local artists support Tasmanian medical research

Local artists support Tasmanian medical research

The true spirit of Christmas is shining through early this year to support medical research in Tasmania, with nine Tasmanian artists donating original artwork to the Menzies Research Institute and Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation's Art of Christmas project.

The true spirit of Christmas is shining through early this year to support medical research in Tasmania, with nine Tasmanian artists donating original artwork to the Menzies Research Institute and Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation's Art of Christmas project.

Menzies Research Institute Deputy Director Professor James Vickers said the artworks are part of a fundraising effort by Menzies and the Research Foundation to further medical research in Tasmania.

"With the support of local businesses, our two organisations have reproduced the artwork into exclusive corporate Christmas cards for sale to the public and the Tasmanian business community," Professor Vickers said.

"Community support for our work is critical if we are to continue to make significant advances in treatment and prevention of the common and chronic diseases which affect so many Australians."

Executive Director of the Research Foundation Mr Tony Reidy said money raised from the sale of Christmas Cards in 2007 will assist research into a range of diseases.

"Menzies and the Research Foundation fund and conduct research into many diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic lung disease, osteoporosis, epilepsy and dementia," he said.

Accomplished Tasmanian printmaker Rebecca Murdoch said she was delighted to be able to help raise funds for medical research in Tasmania.

"I was honoured to be asked to participate in this worthwhile fundraising effort, as Menzies and the Research Foundation work on diseases which affect all Tasmanians in some way or another," Ms Murdoch said.

Other featured artists include Joan Humble, Natalie Dowling, Nigel Lazenby, Cathy McAuliffe, Robyn Miller, Leigh Oates, Georgina Pajak and Michael Weitnauer.

The unique artwork is on display TODAY in preparation for the main fundraising event tonight, the Art of Christmas cocktail function.

The Menzies Research Institute has been conducting medical research in Tasmania for more than 18 years. Menzies' aspiration is to contribute significantly to human health and wellbeing, with particular emphasis upon research that takes advantage of Tasmania's unique population resource and other competitive advantages.

The Royal Hobart Hospital Research Foundation was established in 1997 to promote and fund medical, healthcare and biomedical research in Tasmania. The Research Foundation is a not-for-profit, independent organisation raising money for medical research into conditions which affect people in Tasmania and beyond.


