Menzies Research Institute working with WHO? The World Health Organisation

Menzies Research Institute working with WHO? The World Health Organisation

The Menzies Research Institute's work in improving the health of our country's nearby neighbours has been recognised with its re-designation as a World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

The Menzies Research Institute's work in improving the health of our country's nearby neighbours has been recognised with its re-designation as a World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

The Institute has collaborated with the WHO since 1990 when it took responsibility for assisting countries in the Western Pacific region to plan and implement programs for the prevention and control of cardiovascular disease.

WHO Collaborating Centre co-ordinator Dr Rob Granger says that in the developing nations of the Western Pacific region, the burden of NCDs such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer has taken over from the traditional problems of infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis, and disorders due to dietary deficiencies.

"Seven out of every ten deaths in the region are currently due to NCDs, which are increasing in prevalence as a result of changing lifestyles and changing economies," he said.

The Menzies Research Institute is one of the major population health institutes in Australia with expertise in the area of NCDs.

"It is logical for an Australian institute to assist with this problem, as Australia has already been required to respond to an epidemic of cardiovascular and other NCDs in the recent past."

"The Menzies Research Institute is proud to continue our association with the WHO to assist in improving the health of our neighbours in the Western Pacific. As an active collaborating centre, we have been highly commended by WHO for our contributions to the public health of our region," he said.

One of the largest projects undertaken by the Institute in its affiliation with WHO is the development of a national NCD surveillance system for Viet Nam. While the majority of the work will be done by the Viet Nam Ministry of Health, the Menzies Research Institute has a critical role in guiding the four-year, US$2 million project.


